The First Entry

I decided to start this to make it easier for family and friends to keep up on our new family. If you ever want to see how this all started you can visit seach by last name (Alexander), click on Our Jounrey and the password is alexander (all lower case).

Anyway, for now there won't be too many posts but once Isaac finally makes it home I bet we will have tons to share with everyone and we can't wait.


M.E.S. said…
Dear Alexander Family, Congratulations! I just started my own blog and was flipping through different blogs and stumbled upon yours, which makes me heart melt with joy for you!!! My husband's sister gave her child up for adoption, but our family still stays in close contact with little Anna. It is a beautiful and unusual situation! My brother's brother-in-law and his wife recently adopted a baby girl, too. Bless your new little family!!!!
Melissa said…
Yay!!! I can't wait to read all about Isaac's Adventures!

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